Thursday, October 11, 2007

First Aid Kits For Your Pets

I recently helped a neighbor with an injured dog and was very impressed with her calm, skill, and preparedness. She told me that her vet had given her an emergency aid kit list and she had assembled just a month before. Let me tell you this kit made a major difference in the care her dog received prior to getting to the vet's. I begged a copy of the list from her and here it is for anyone who desires to use it.

Emergency Aid Kit For Pets
Knowing basic first aid could help save your pet's life.
Place veterinarian's phone number on the refrigerator or bulletin board, and in the first aid box where you can get to it quickly.
Gauze to wrap wounds or muzzle animal
Adhesive tape for bandages
Nonstick bandages (i.e., Telfa pads) to protect wounds or control bleeding
Towels and cloth (For bleeding or wrapping an injury)
Hydrogen peroxide (3 percent) Used to clean wound.
Milk of Magnesia or activated charcoal to absorb poison (Be sure to get the advice of your veterinarian or local poison control center before inducing vomiting or treating an animal for poisoning.)
Large syringe without needle or eyedropper (to give oral treatments)
Muzzle to avoid being bit. Use a soft cloth, rope, necktie, or nylon stocking. Use a towel to cover a small animal's head. Do not use in case of vomiting.
Always keep something to use as a stretcher (A door, board, blanket or floor mat)

Please consider maintaining this kit for your pets.

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