Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Halloween is upon us and I'd like to share some important information for keeping your pet safe.

Halloween Scary for Pets
Americans enjoy Halloween immensely and can't resist including their pets but perhaps they should.
We love a good fright or prank but for your pets loud noise, strange costumes,and a constant barrage of strangers in costume can be traumatic and cause aggressive and exciteable behavior.
You should keep your pets indoors, away from open doors and noise.
A quiet room in the back of the house is best.
If you must take your pet for a walk keep them on a shorter than normal leash because even the dog with the sweetest disposition can become disoriented by the costumes and noise and display aggressive behavior.. Try choosiing a less occupied street where you will meet less tricksters .
The ASPCA, veterinarians and animal shelters warn owners to keep pets inside on and around Halloween because the terrible fact is that pets disappear, especially blacks cats.
They are harrassed, tortured, and are even killed by cruel individuals out for a bit of "fun"!
If you wish to dress your pet for Halloween make sure the pet is comfortable, unrestricted and the costume contains no rubber bands which can hinder circulation and cause injury.
Remember that decorations, baubles, and candles all provide a fascination for your pets.
Animals can become tangled in decorations, eat baubles, and knock over candles.
Sometimes cats and dogs will try to play with an open flame this could lead to burns or a fire.
The biggest concern any pet owner has is that their pet should get a hold of Halloween candy.
Candy makes animals sick causing vomitting, heart disturbances, hyperactivity and in some cases death.
Chocolate is very toxic and must be kept away from your pet at all costs. Chocolate contains theobromine, which can cause nerve damage and even death in dogs. The darker the chocolate, the more concentrated it is -- and the smaller the lethal dose. .
Let's all have a safe and fun Halloween.