Wednesday, October 17, 2007

You Know You're a Cat Person When.........

You do not consider an outfit complete without some cat hair.

You believe there is no such thing as a naughty cat.

You decorate your christmas tree with dangly cat toys.

Your neighbors refer to you as "the crazy one with all the cats."

You set a place at the dinner table for your cat.

You snap your fingers and pat the sofa beside you to invite your guests to sit down.

You spend more money on toys for your cats than on the kids or grandkids.

You have the cat meow on the outgoing message of the answering machine.

You chose a house to buy based on it having a good location for the catbox.

You consider cat hair in your food as extra fiber.

Nobody's feet are allowed on the furniture, but your cats are welcome to sleep on any piece they so choose

You sleep on one edge of the bed because the cat is sleeping in the middle looking soooo cute!

Vaccination and licensing records for all your cats are in perfect order, but your checkbook hasn't been balanced in months, and last year's tax records are nowhere to be found.

You refer to going to the bathroom as "using the litterbox."

You accidentally put your child's dinner plate on the floor.

You apologize when you step on a fuzzy cat toy in the dark.

You refer to your cat as your furry child.

Your parents wind up with a four-footed, furry "grandchild."

You plan your vacation around the cat show schedule.

You accidentally call your spouse by your cat's name!

You have a set of towels with "his" "hers" and "kitty's."

You call home and leave a message on the answering machine for your cat.

You and kitty have matching outfits.

You never go to the door unless it's to let a cat out.

Just a little pet humor to while away the day. DAG

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